Spartanburg county has been granted over $9 million from the federal government as part of the $1.4 trillion omnibus spending bill approved by Congress in December.
The funds are all allocated to rent and utilities for city and county residents who have been affected by the pandemic. These funds will be distributed to landlords and utility companies.
“We certainly still see a steady stream of people reaching out and seeking assistance due to the pandemic,” said Hannah Jarrett, Director of Financial Stability Strategy with the United Way of the Piedmont.
To be qualified, applicants must show how they have been impacted by COVID 19 by loss of income, past notices, eviction, or homelessness.
“If there has been a loss in income, if they’re possibly facing any type of housing instability and if they’re 80% of the area median income for this area, they are eligible to go and apply for assistance,” Spartanburg County’s Director of Community Development, Kathy Rivers told us.
Agencies would need to confirm that the funding is needed with landlords and service providers.
Applications are being accepted by the Spartanburg Housing Authority; the Middle Tyger Community Center; the Upstate Family Resource Center; and the United Way of the Piedmont.
More information on the assistance application process can be found here.