Greenville County Planning Commission approves exception, rezonings

Here is a recap of the Greenville County Planning Commission meeting on June 26.

Related: Agenda for June 26 meeting

Approved: Setback variance along U.S. 25

An application was brought before the commission for a variance from the front-building setback requirement set out in LDR Section 8.7 Table 8.1 which requires a 50-foot setback from the property line.

The property owner stated in the application that the property has stood at 2465 U.S. Hwy. 25 in Travelers Rest for 30 years before she and her husband purchased it in April 2024.

No one spoke in favor or against the variance and it was approved by a unanimous vote.


  • Rezoning of properties located at 2101, 2145, and 2155 Old Spartanburg Road and Hudson Road in Greer from a PD Planned Development District to PD – MC, Planned Development District and Major Change
    Suburban Center: Approved, unanimously.
  • Rezoning of properties located at 123 Mason St., Ross St., and 4, 6, and 8 Jones St. in Greenville from NC, Neighborhood Commercial District and R-7.5, Single-Family Residential District to a FRD, Flexible Review District: Approved, unanimously.

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