You Still Have Time To Donate To The Holiday Sunshine Fund

The Holiday Sunshine Fund has launched a special summer giving campaign that aims to help local organizations address the needs that have arisen in the communities as a result of the pandemic.

To date, the campaign has raised $44,817 through telethon and other donations. The summer giving campaign is still open so there is still time for you to donate. Donations can be done through mail, text, or online. 

Below are the steps on  how to donate to the Sunshine Fund:

  • Donate online at
  • Text RELIEF20 to 44222 to receive a link to give
  • Mail a check to The Holiday Sunshine Fund, C/O The Greenville News, 32 E. Broad St., Greenville, SC 29601

The Holiday Sunshine Fund is a combined effort by The Greenville News and WYFF News 4.

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