The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has approved the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines to be administered to children on Saturday. Everyone aged 6 months and above should get vaccinated against COVID-19, according to the CDC. Following the CDC’s approval, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental ControlRead More

Beginning March 1, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control will change its COVID-19 testing strategy. Due to the accuracy, convenience, and widespread availability of at-home rapid antigen tests, as well as a considerable decline in demand for drive-through PCR testing, the COVID-19 testing strategy will shift toRead More

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) has opened a new COVID-19 testing site in the Upstate. The new testing site is a drive-thru near Prisma Health Greenville Memorial Hospital. The new drive-thru testing site, according to DHEC, is in the former Kmart parking lot, located atRead More

Furman University is requiring students to get COVID-19 booster vaccinations before returning to campus on January 10 for in-person classes. The requirement is in response to the CDC’s recent advice that vaccinated individuals who have not yet been boosted be quarantined for five days following exposure to COVID-19, as wellRead More

In a statement on Monday, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lowered the time frame for which an individual should be isolated after testing positive for COVID-19. People with COVID-19 can be released from isolation after five days if they are no longer showing symptoms, according toRead More

Beginning December 20 and running through December 26, the DHEC is providing vaccination clinics and free COVID testing sites throughout the Upstate. The vaccine clinics will give Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines preference over Janssen, as recommended by the CDC. Janssen, on the other hand, will remain available for allRead More

According to the CDC, beginning December 6, all air travelers, regardless of citizenship or vaccination status, will be required to present a negative pre-departure COVID-19 viral test taken the day before they travel to the United States, rather than the current policy of requiring a pre-travel test taken within threeRead More