South Carolina Introduces Plan For COVID-19 Vaccine Implementation

Gov. Henry McMaster of South Carolina says the state will follow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines regarding the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines.

At a news conference, McMaster said that it is going to be a slow process nationwide.

South Carolina is planning to carry out the vaccine in three stages. Healthcare personnel would be given the first priority.

The implementation will take place in three phases:

Phase 1A includes:

  • Nursing home residents and staff
  • Medical personnel in correctional facilities
  • First responders like police, firefighters and paramedics
  • Hospice workers

Phase 1B includes:

  • People at a high risk of exposure who interact with the public
  • Critical service employees like utility, water, trash and transportation
  • Food production
  • People who live or work in congregate living facilities like jails or group homes
  • Anyone over the age of 75   

Phase 2 includes:

  • Pharmacists
  • Grocery store and food service workers
  • Service industry employees
  • Postal workers
  • Public transit employees
  • Teachers and school bus drivers
  • Childcare workers
  • Anyone over the age of 65
  • People who have one chronic health condition

Phase three opens up to everyone when there are more vaccines available.

To read more of South Carolina’s vaccination plan click here.

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