Prisma Health Children’s Hospital Introduces Drive-through Diaper Bank

Prisma Health Children’s Hospital is introducing its first diaper bank this week to provide diapers for families in need.

Prisma Health says the diaper bank will happen each quarter in 2021.

The first drive was scheduled for Tuesday, January 26, from 4-6 p.m and will take place at the Patewood Hospital campus on 255 Enterprise Boulevard, near the medical office buildings.

“Families need support now more than ever due to circumstances caused by the pandemic and the existing need in the community,” said Dr. Kerry Sease, medical director of the Bradshaw Institute for Community Child Health & Advocacy, which is part of the Prisma Health Children’s Hospital. “No mother or father should have to choose between feeding their child or keeping a clean diaper on them. Thanks to the help of community partners, we are one step closer to resolving this insecurity.”

The next diaper drive-thru activities are slated for March 23, June 22, and September 28.

To qualify, families must meet the eligibility requirements for either WIC, SNAP, or Medicaid.

To register until the day before the event, click here.

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