Health Experts Reminds Parents On Child Immunization

Greenville County Schools and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environment are working to get children the necessary vaccines to attend this school year.

“This year, the South Carolina DHEC has given a 30-day waiver so that our requirement for the compliant immunization record on file is now September 24,” said Janet Lage, director of health services at Greenville County Schools.

Due to the pandemic, there have been fewer vaccinations than usual. Doctors’ offices were closed in the first few months of the pandemic and some hospitals shifted their operations. Some parents stopped taking their children from going to their appointment for fear of being exposed to the disease.

Pediatricians are stressing the importance of children visiting their doctors and getting their immunizations.

These are the vaccines that South Carolina schools require:

  • Hepatitis A (5)
  • Hepatitis B
  • DTaP (tetanus,whooping cough)
  • Polio
  • MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
  • Varicella (chickenpox)
  • Tdap (whooping cough booster required before 7th grade)

Students enrolled in grade 5K to 12 both in public and private schools as well as students in both in-person instruction and the virtual program must be up-to-date on the following immunizations based on their grade level.

Through DHEC, children can receive vaccines at a lower cost depending on eligibility. You can visit their website to check eligibility criteria.

Parents can get their children vaccinated at DHEC health departments. For an appointment, call 855-472-3432.

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