Greenville County Schools’ Virtual Program Registration Begins November 15th

Students in Greenville County will be able to register in the full-time Virtual Program for the 2022-23 school year beginning Monday, November 15. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. and runs through 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 1.

Students must be enrolled in Greenville County Schools and parents must have a BackPack account in order to register.

The first registration period is for those who are sure they will enroll students in the Virtual Program next year. The program will be staffed dependent on the number of people that sign up early. In April 2022, Greenville County Schools will reopen the window to start a waitlist. Students on the waitlist will be scheduled based on the virtual program’s space availability.

 By February 9, 2022, GSC will send acceptance notices and Virtual Program contracts through email. The Virtual Program will schedule students depending on their grade level and academic history. GCS cannot guarantee that students or teachers from the home-based school will be placed with them. Virtual Program guidance counselors will call middle and high school parents to arrange an Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) conference.

Students will be asked to engage in scheduled live sessions on a regular basis. Those who do not comply will be recorded absent and face absenteeism consequences. Exceptions are granted depending on exceptional situations and must be pre-approved by the virtual administrator in advance.

For further information, please visit the Greenville County Schools website.

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