Greenville County Schools Virtual Program Meal Sites

On Tuesday, Greenville County Schools made an announcement that beginning Monday, August 24 they will be providing meals to students enrolled in the Virtual Program at 15 district locations during the school year.

Meals will be distributed on a to-go basis every Monday from 4 p.m to 5 p.m. One weeks’ worth of meals will be provided at a time (5 breakfasts and 5 lunches). Some items included in the meals will be ready-to-eat, and others will be heat-and-serve items.

Meals will be served near the parent pick-up line or school bus loop. Meal pick-up locations will vary by school.

The 15 district locations that will provide meals one time each week are as follows:

  • AJ Whittenberg Elementary
  • Berea Elementary
  • Blue Ridge Middle
  • Bryson Middle
  • Fisher Middle
  • Fountain Inn Elementary
  • Greer Middle School
  • Grove Elementary
  • Mauldin Elementary
  • Northwest Middle
  • Northwood Middle
  • Sevier Middle
  • Sterling School
  • Sue Cleveland Elementary
  • Welcome Elementary

Contact numbers for these schools can be found on the GCS website at

Parents should contact the cafeteria manager at the school at which they intend to pick up the meals one week in advance to allow sufficient time for GCS cafeteria staff to order products needed to meet the meal demands at that school.

The meals will only be provided to students registered for the GCS Virtual Program and meals will be provided free of charge to only GCS students eligible for free or reduced-price meals.

Students on paid meal status will be required to have funds in their district lunch account or provide payment at the time of meal pick up to receive the meal. Exact change or check will be required. Breakfast is free of charge for all GCS students and lunches cost $2.50 each. One weeks’ worth of meals for students on full paid status will cost $12.50.

Parents should also note that the carryover period for free and reduced meals for the 2020-2021 school year is Monday, October 5. The carryover period is the number of times students are allowed by USDA to remain on the prior years’ meal status. In order to qualify for free or reduced meals, parents must complete a new free and reduced meal application every school year.

Students that were on free or reduced meal status during the 2019-2020 school year will revert to full paid status on Tuesday, October 6 unless a new meal application is submitted and approved based on USDA eligibility guidelines. Students attending one of the 21 Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) schools are not required to complete free and reduced meal applications and will automatically receive free meals based on the school’s participation in that USDA program.

You can access the link for the online free and reduced-price meal applications for the 2020-2021 school year.

Paper applications will be available at schools, but online applications are highly encouraged since it’s the most accurate and efficient method to apply for free or reduced-price meals. On average, online applications are processed within 24-48 hours of completion.

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