“Great Wall,” a short film by Greenville-based Undercurrent Film Company and featuring local dim sum restaurant Sum Bar, won a James Beard Media Award June 8.
The 22-minute film took top honor in the Visual Media-Short Form category. It was in competition against films by the CBS Sunday Morning show and by popular YouTube channel LaMafia. A full list of award winners can be found at jamesbeard.org/blog/the-2024-james-beard-media-award-winners.
As previously reported by the Greenville Journal:
The film follows Khailing Neoh’s journey to open the downtown Greenville restaurant Sum Bar. Neoh is also a producer of the film. It documents the rigors of opening a new restaurant in a highly competitive landscape, while also exploring the adult relationship of first-generation Americans and their immigrant parents.
It was the brainchild of Rioin Oshiro, who directed the film along with producer Evan Rogers. Oshiro met Neoh eating dinner at a friend’s house and was drawn to her story of exiting a career in engineering to bring dim sum to Greenville.
“Great Wall” is Undercurrent’s first documentary. The film is available to stream on Vimeo.
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