Celebrate The National Nutrition Month This March

The month of March is the country’s annual National Nutrition Month. Every year, the celebration highlights the importance of making informed food choices and developing healthy eating and exercise habits.

This year’s theme is “Personalize Your Plate”, which encourages people to prepare nutritious meals based on their cultural and personal food preferences.

“America is a cultural melting pot, so you can’t expect everyone’s food choices to look the same,” said Su-Nui Escobar, a registered dietitian nutritionist and national spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in Miami, Fla. 

“Eating is meant to be a joyful experience. As supermarkets increasingly diversify their shelves to meet the needs of their customers, it’s becoming easier to create nutritious meals that align with a variety of cultural preferences,”  Escobar added.

Each year, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics urges everyone to make informed food choices and develop healthy eating habits and physical activity throughout the year. 

The Academy also recommends consulting a registered dietitian nutritionist, who are food and nutrition specialists who can help individuals develop individualized eating and activity plans to achieve their health goals.

To find a registered dietitian nutritionist in your area, click here.

A variety of online recipe databases are also available: 

  • MyPlate Kitchen – search hundreds of recipes based on cost, cuisine, course, cooking equipment, food groups, and nutrition focus; build cookbooks; and find videos and recipe resources
  • WIC Meals of the Month – recipes that focus on specific nutrients important for the WIC population:

For more details visit www.eatrightpro.org and fns.usda.gov.

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